Cypress Park FFA
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Lone Star Degree Recipients

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Each degree of active membership requires commitment and a lot of hard work, but you don’t have to be a gifted student or live on a large farm or ranch to reach your goals. The FFA degree system is organized so that all FFA members, no matter where you are from, have an equal chance of obtaining each degree of membership including the highest degree of membership within the FFA, the American FFA Degree. However, you must show progress in your Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program to have a realistic chance at attaining this goal. If you are a freshman or sophomore in high school, now is the time to set your goal and create a road map on how you plan to achieve your goals within the FFA.

This is the highest degree of membership the State FFA Association can award. FFA members may apply to receive the Lone Star Degree only after they have received the Chapter degree. Those wishing to receive their Lone Star Degree must have been an active FFA member for at least two years, complete at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, maintain a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program, invest significant time and money in their SAE, demonstrate their leadership skills and show a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above. This degree of active membership is awarded at the state level during the Texas FFA convention.

Congratulations to the following students for earning their State FFA Degree (Lone Star Degree).


2021 State FFA Degree (Lone Star) Recipients Mark Peak 4/29/2021 14 KB
2021 Texas FFA Lone Star Degree Official List Mark Peak 6/8/2021 893 KB
2020 State FFA Degree (Lone Star) Recipients Mark Peak 6/10/2020 83 KB
2019 - 2020 State FFA Degree Recipients Mark Peak 5/19/2020 14 KB
2018-2019 State FFA Degree Recipients Mark Peak 4/26/2019 14 KB
2019 State FFA (Lone Star) Degree Recipients from Area 3 Mark Peak 6/13/2019 17 KB



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