Cypress Park FFA
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Degrees and Awards

Greenhand FFA Degrees  

To receive a Greenhand FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:

·        Enroll in an agricultural education program and have satisfactory plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

·        Learn and explain the FFA Creed, FFA Mission and Motto, and FFA salute. 

·        Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and FFA colors.

·        Demonstrate an understanding of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket.

·        Demonstrate an understanding of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities.

·        Own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the Official FFA Student Handbook.

·        Greenhand Applicants must complete all record books online using the AET record books system and submitting the computer generated application. Star Greenhand Candidates will be chosen from these applications.

Chapter FFA Degree 

To receive a Chapter FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:

·        Received the Greenhand FFA Degree

·        Satisfactorily completed 180 hours (or the equivalent) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level.

·        Have an approved SAE in operation.

·        Enrolled in an agriculture course

·        Participated in the planning and implementation of at least three official FFA chapter activities.

·        Earned and productively invested at least $150, or have worked at least 45 hours outside of scheduled class time, or a combination of the two, through their SAE.

·        Have developed plans for continued growth and improvement of their SAE.

·        Effectively lead a group discussion for 15 minutes.

·        Demonstrated five parliamentary law procedures.

·        Show progress toward achievement in FFA award programs.

·        Have a satisfactory academic record.

·        Submitted a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree

·        Complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service activities

·       Chapter FFA Degree applicants must complete all record books online using the AET record books system and submitting the computer generated application.  Star Chapter Candidates will be chosen from these applications.

Lone Star FFA Degree

To receive a State FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:

·        Have received the Chapter FFA Degree. 

·        Have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree. 

·        Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least four semesters of systematic school instruction in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program. 

·        Have earned and productively invested at least $200 and worked at least 200 hours in excess of scheduled class time, in a supervised agricultural experience program. The combination of hours and dollars must exceed or equal the number 800. 

·        Have demonstrated leadership ability by:

o       Performing ten procedures of parliamentary law.

o       Giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA.

o       Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or participating member of a major committee.

·        Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources instructor and the principal or superintendent. 

·        Have participated in the planning and completion of the chapter program of activities. 

·        As of April 1, have completed ten activities above the chapter level in at least three of six different categories: leadership development events, career development events, conventions and meetings, project shows, student awards and leadership and service as described in policies adopted by the Board of Directors.

·        As of April 1of the year the member is to receive the degree, have participated in at least 25 hours of community service within at least two different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid SAE hours.

·        Must complete all record books online using the AET record books system and submitting the computer generated application.

Proficiency Awards

The Agricultural Proficiency Awards program encourages members to set personal goals and learn practical skills. The program provides recognition to FFA members at the local levels for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. There are 51 proficiency award areas that individuals can apply for, ranging from Agricultural Communications to Wildlife Production and Management.

Members must complete all record books online using the AET record books system and submitting the computer generated application by the deadline set forth by the AST's. 

Proficiency awards will be judged by the following criteria:

·        Skills and competencies learned that relate to an agricultural career field.

·        Financial achievements, including growth in scope.

·        Personal growth and development through FFA activities.

·        Evidence of student accomplishments based on available resources and opportunities.

·        Communication skills as demonstrated in the written portions of applications and clear, concise answers given during interviews.


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